A smart cookie
A smart cookie
An intelligent person.
An intelligent person.The idiom 'a smart cookie' is used to describe someone who is intelligent and can solve problems easily, or understands situations well. This idiomatic expression is often used in a positive and affirmative context, highlighting the individual's intellect, quick-thinking and ingenious problem-solving capabilities. It may also indicate that the person is shrewd, clever or cunning. The term 'cookie' is a friendly and informal term for a person, making this idiom sound more personal and warm.
The idiom 'a smart cookie' is used to describe someone who is intelligent and can solve problems easily, or understands situations well. This idiomatic expression is often used in a positive and affirmative context, highlighting the individual's intellect, quick-thinking and ingenious problem-solving capabilities. It may also indicate that the person is shrewd, clever or cunning. The term 'cookie' is a friendly and informal term for a person, making this idiom sound more personal and warm.

Use cases
My student, Jane, is indeed a smart cookie. I remember she once solved a complex mathematical problem that even some adults would struggle with, in just a few minutes. Her quick-thinking and problem-solving capabilities are really commendable.
The company's new CEO is well known as a smart cookie. Despite the many challenges he faced during his first few months, he was able to turn things around and lead the company to success.
During the quiz competition, John proved to everyone that he is indeed a smart cookie by answering all the questions correctly. His extensive knowledge and intelligence are indeed impressive.
Sarah is a smart cookie, she not only excels in her academics but also in extracurricular activities. She has an excellent understanding of every situation, making her stand out among her peers.
If you think you can fool Mike, think again. He's a smart cookie and can see through any deception.
My little sister is a smart cookie. At just six years old, she already knows how to operate a computer.
Jane is a smart cookie. She figured out how to fix her car's engine all by herself.
My grandmother is a smart cookie. Despite her age, she was able to learn how to use a smartphone and now she's even on social media.
Despite being the youngest in our team, David is a smart cookie. He was able to come up with a solution to a problem we've been facing for weeks.
My dog is a smart cookie. He quickly learned how to do tricks that would normally take other dogs weeks to learn.