Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth

Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth

Someone who came from a wealthy and successful family.

This idiom is often used to describe a person who was born into a wealthy, established family. Family usually gives them opportunities, advantages, and benefits that most people can not receive. Historically, the silver spoon represents wealth and privilege, those who were wealthy could afford to eat with silver utensils. So when someone says that they have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth, it implies they have been privy to privileges and luxuries since birth that many others are not.

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John was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, attending prestigious schools and never having to worry about financial issues.

Everybody already knows she can afford to travel around the world. After all, she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

Tom's constant reliance on his parents' wealth shows that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

Being born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Harry could not understand the struggles of the working people.

Just because she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth doesn't mean she's not a hard worker. She has already earned everything she has achieved.

He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and has always had everything handed to him on a silver platter.

I haven't been born with a silver spoon in my mouth, but I've worked hard to provide a good life for my family.

Their attitudes about money were unsurprising, considering they were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.

He seems to think everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. He never understands that not everyone has the same opportunities he did.

She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and never had to worry about the things that normal people struggle with every day.

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