Don't beat a dead horse

Don't beat a dead horse

Stop discussing or pursuing a pointless issue.

The phrase 'Don't beat a dead horse' is an idiomatic expression used to suggest that it is futile to continue discussing or dwelling on a subject or issue that has already been exhaustively examined or resolved. It implies that no further benefit can be gained from further discussion or action, and it is time to move on to other matters. The imagery evokes the senselessness of trying to get a reaction from or motivate something (in this case, a 'dead horse') that is beyond the point of responding, thereby highlighting the futility of persisting with the current course of action.

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Use cases

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We've gone over your proposal for the new marketing campaign several times, but the decision has been reached. Let's not beat a dead horse and focus on what's next.

I know you're disappointed about the game being canceled, but don't beat a dead horse. There's nothing we can do about it now.

During the meeting, when the topic of the already rejected budget proposal came up again, she sighed and said, 'Why are we beating a dead horse? It's time to move on.'

He kept asking for feedback on the project that was completed months ago. Finally, someone had to tell him, 'Don't beat a dead horse; let's focus on our current tasks.'

I understand you wanted a different outcome, but continuing to argue this point is like beating a dead horse. We need to accept the decision and proceed.

The debate over which software to use ended last week, so bringing it up again is just beating a dead horse. Let's direct our energy elsewhere.

After the policy was finalized, discussions to change it felt like beating a dead horse. It was already too late for any adjustments.

She knew revisiting their previous disagreement was pointless, like beating a dead horse, so she decided to steer the conversation toward future plans instead.

Bringing up the mistakes made in the last quarter's report again would be beating a dead horse. We've already addressed the issues and implemented changes.

Trying to get them to revisit the old design ideas is like beating a dead horse; they've clearly moved on to new concepts.

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