Let sleeping dogs lie

Let sleeping dogs lie

Avoid bringing up old problems or disputes to prevent causing further issues.

The idiom 'Let sleeping dogs lie' suggests that it is sometimes better to leave situations or issues undisturbed, to avoid causing new problems or conflicts. It originates from the literal advice not to wake a sleeping dog, as it might react aggressively. In a metaphorical sense, it applies to avoiding the rehashing of old arguments, problems, or disputes that have since been resolved or forgotten, with the understanding that bringing them up again could lead to unnecessary tension, conflict, or reopening of old wounds. The emphasis is on the wisdom of not provoking trouble when it is not necessary, particularly in situations where nothing positive can be gained.

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Even though I knew I was right about the mistake in last year's budget report, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie rather than upset the accounting team.

At the family reunion, when the topic of Uncle Joe's last will started to surface, Aunt May suggested we let sleeping dogs lie to avoid any arguments.

While reviewing the project's early setbacks, the manager said, 'Let's focus on the future and let sleeping dogs lie. We've learned from those mistakes already.'

I almost brought up my friend's past relationship at the party, but then I remembered it's better to let sleeping dogs lie.

During the peace talks, the diplomat remarked, 'To move forward, both sides must be willing to let sleeping dogs lie and not dwell on past grievances.'

My sister and I used to argue about who was our grandmother's favorite, but now we just let sleeping dogs lie.

The author decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not include the controversial chapter that could have reignited old feuds.

In the meeting, when the old dispute about office space allocation came up, the CEO suggested it was best to let sleeping dogs lie and focus on current issues.

After the football match, the coach told the team to let sleeping dogs lie and not blame each other for the loss but to look ahead to the next game.

When my coworkers began debating the outcome of a project from last year, I reminded them it might be wiser to let sleeping dogs lie and concentrate on our current tasks.

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