Look before you leap

Look before you leap

Think carefully before making decisions.

The idiom 'look before you leap' suggests that one should carefully consider the possible consequences and risks before taking any action or making a decision. It's a reminder to not rush into situations without proper evaluation, highlighting the importance of planning and foresight. This phrase emphasizes the value of caution and deliberation, especially in situations where the outcomes are uncertain or where the stakes are high. By advising individuals to 'look'—or to assess and understand their circumstances fully—before they 'leap'—or commit to an action—it serves as a timeless counsel for prudence and thoughtful decision-making.

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She was excited about the investment opportunity, but her father advised her to look before she leap, reminding her to research the company's history first.

Before quitting his stable job to start his own business, he took the advice to look before he leap, spending months planning and gathering resources.

They were about to buy a house on impulse because of its beautiful exterior, but decided to look before they leap and discovered numerous structural issues upon inspection.

Seeing a sale, she nearly bought a pricey handbag on impulse, but remembering to look before she leap, she checked her finances and decided against it.

Eager to sign up for an online course, he paused to look before he leap, ensuring the program's accreditation and worthiness of the investment.

Before moving to another country for love, she took the time to look before she leap, considering all the challenges and adjustments required.

Though the venture seemed promising, the team decided to look before they leap, conducting a thorough market analysis to evaluate its potential success.

Before accepting the job offer, he remembered to look before he leap, negotiating terms to secure a position that truly matched his career ambitions.

Tempted by the low price of the used car, she decided to look before she leap, taking it for a thorough check-up which revealed many hidden problems.

Her friend suggested a trendy diet for quick weight loss, but she chose to look before she leap, consulting a nutritionist about its long-term effects first.

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