Out of pocket

Out of pocket

Personally incurring expenses that ideally should be covered by another party.

People usually use 'Out of pocket' to describe situations where an individual has already used their own money to pay for something. Actually The expenses should have ideally been borne by another party, such as their employer or a company. This can occur in various scenarios, including work-related expenses, and unexpected costs during travel for business. While primarily associated with work or business, the phrase can also apply more generally to any instance where someone finds themselves paying out of their own pockets for something they hadn't anticipated.

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Karen was out of pocket for her air fare when her business trip was recapitalized under different funding.

After the company's budget cuts, Joan found herself out of pocket for many office supplies.

Richard had to pay out of pocket for the hotel's wifi service, even though it was a business trip.

Sheila was disappointed to be out of pocket after surprising bills at the end of the project.

In order to secure the conference room, Samuel had to dip into his own funds and pay out of pocket.

Without advance approval, Mia ended up out of pocket by covering the team's lunch expenses.

Unexpectedly needing to replace equipment, Tyler spent out of pocket, hoping for a later company reimbursement.

Jack had no choice but to settle the bill from his account, leaving him considerably out of pocket.

Rushing to action during the crisis, Lara found herself out of pocket for emergency supplies.

Anna didn't foresee the need to handle parking fees and later found herself unexpectedly out of pocket.

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