Over the hill

Over the hill

To be past one's prime, usually referring to individuals over 50 who are less active physically or socially than they were in their younger years.

The idiom 'Over the hill' is a euphemistic phrase used to describe aging or old age. This idiom is generally associated with people who are over 50 years old and are not as physically or socially active as they once were in their youth. This phrase implies that a person has reached the peak or the hill of their life, and now they are descending or going downhill, thus they are 'over the hill'. However, it's important to use this idiom mindfully since it might be considered rude or disrespectful when said about someone else without their consent. If self-used, it might indicate acceptance or even humor about one's own aging process.

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Use cases

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My grandfather, a former athlete, often jokes that he's 'over the hill' now that he's in his seventies and can't keep up with the younger players.

Mrs. Kim turned 50 last week, and she humorously declared that she was 'over the hill', thereby indicating her acceptance of the aging process.

I often hear my neighbor, a retired policeman, self-deprecatingly say that he's 'over the hill' as he's no longer as fit or active as he used to be in his days of service.

During the reunion, my uncle made a toast and said, 'We may be 'over the hill', but we still know how to have a great time!' showing his positive attitude towards aging.

At the party, Mr. Lee made everyone laugh by stating, 'Well, I guess I'm 'over the hill' now. Time to take it easy and enjoy retirement!'

My father, although in his sixties, vehemently denies being 'over the hill', stating that age is just a number and he's as active as he was in his youth.

During the comedy show, the comedian joked about being 'over the hill' and the audience laughed as they related to the realities of aging.

At the family gathering, my aunt humorously declared that she was 'over the hill', but that it wasn't going to stop her from dancing.

In the book club, Mr. Suzuki, a retired teacher, said, 'I may be 'over the hill', but I still have a lot to offer and share.'

During the interview, the aging celebrity openly talked about being 'over the hill' and how she was embracing this new chapter in her life with grace and dignity.

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