Take it with a grain of salt
Take it with a grain of salt
Be skeptical or do not accept something fully.
Be skeptical or do not accept something fully.The phrase 'take it with a grain of salt' suggests that one should not accept a statement or information completely and without skepticism. It implies that there might be exaggerations, inaccuracies, or that the information is unverified, hence advising caution in how much trust to place in it. The origin of the idiom is believed to be ancient, where adding a grain of salt to food was thought to make it easier to swallow. Figuratively, adding a 'grain of salt' means to view something with skepticism or to not take it entirely at face value, allowing for the possibility that it might not be entirely true or accurate.
The phrase 'take it with a grain of salt' suggests that one should not accept a statement or information completely and without skepticism. It implies that there might be exaggerations, inaccuracies, or that the information is unverified, hence advising caution in how much trust to place in it. The origin of the idiom is believed to be ancient, where adding a grain of salt to food was thought to make it easier to swallow. Figuratively, adding a 'grain of salt' means to view something with skepticism or to not take it entirely at face value, allowing for the possibility that it might not be entirely true or accurate.

Use cases
When I read about the supposed health benefits of the latest superfood, I always take it with a grain of salt until I see the research.
John's stories about his travels are entertaining, but knowing his tendency to exaggerate, I take them with a grain of salt.
My grandmother advised me to take any unsolicited advice with a grain of salt, as not everyone knows what they're talking about.
Seeing the sensational news headline, she took the report with a grain of salt and waited for more reliable sources to confirm.
The company's promise of a huge salary raise next year is something most employees are taking with a grain of salt.
While the fortune teller's predictions were intriguing, he took them with a grain of salt, understanding they were not based on scientific evidence.
The fitness blogger's claim about a miracle diet seemed too good to be true, so she took it with a grain of salt and did her own research.
When the politician made grand promises during the campaign, many voters took his words with a grain of salt.
After hearing rumors about the new manager's supposed strictness, the staff decided to take it with a grain of salt until they met him.
Seeing the email claiming she'd won a huge sum of money, she took it with a grain of salt and verified it was a scam before responding.